SAASWIPP is a voluntary professional association of social workers in private practice.


SAASWIPP is a voluntary professional association of social workers in private practice.


The South African Association of Social Workers in Private Practice (SAASWIPP) is a voluntary professional association of social workers in private practice and is a registered Non-Profit-Organisation.  Formed in 1979, we have members in all nine provinces.


Members are registered with the South African Council of Social Service Professions (SACSSP) with at least a minimum of 5-years full-time, supervised experience in the social work field.









SAASWIPP social workers work across a broad spectrum of services, such as counselling and therapy, mediation, adoption, health-related counselling, coaching, court reports, individual therapy, couples therapy, family therapy and dealing with trauma (including mental health through psychiatric social work). 

Their services are offered directly to individuals, families, groups and organisations on a fee for service basis. Some of these services are covered by most medical aids according to the scheme and plan.

SAASWIPP social workers work across a broad spectrum of services, such as counselling and therapy, mediation, adoption, health-related counselling, coaching, court reports, individual therapy, couples therapy, family therapy and dealing with trauma (including mental health). Their services are offered directly to individuals, families, groups and organisations on a fee for service basis.

SAASWIPP social workers work across a broad spectrum of services, such as counselling and therapy, mediation, adoption, health-related counselling, coaching, court reports, individual therapy, couples therapy, family therapy and dealing with trauma (including mental health). Their services are offered directly to individuals, families, groups and organisations on a fee for service basis.

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SAASWIPP is a voluntary professional association of social workers in private practice. Our members are experienced qualified social workers, registered with the South African Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP).

SAASWIPP believes in the value of the Social Work profession and in the valuable contribution made by social workers in private practice to mental health, psychosocial well-being, welfare and development in South Africa.