Suicide Prevention Day is observed annually on 10 September. The day calls on global commitment and action in the quest to try and help prevent suicide. Whilst historically taboo, discussions about suicide and suicide itself have become increasingly less so in recent years.  There is now far greater access to information and a much deeper understanding of suicide prevailing.

Suicide During A Pandemic

Helplines are definitely experiencing a surge in calls,” says Sheila Selfe, Clinical Social Worker and member of SAASWIPP (South African Association for Social Workers in Private Practice). That said, isolation as a result of the lockdown is not the only reason behind the surge,

Smiling depression

Photo by Ángel López on Unsplash

There have been many stresses in this period. Loss of loved ones, loss of livelihoods, financial stress, increased anxiety and depression, all of which would have contributed to this.” Selfe says.

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