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  3. Anell Dreyer – “As a man thinketh, so is he.”

Behavior, emotions and thoughts are like the colorful patterns of a kaleidoscope.  Sometimes those colorful patterns of being a human, become destructive circles.  Those destructive behavior can be observed when addiction and anger are present. Do you or your loved one show signs of destructive behavior? Are you a victim of a family member's emotional outbursts?

Anell Dreyer listens with compassion to you and your family to find the missing piece in your kaleidoscope of life.  Her special interests are the origin of your anger or other unpleasant emotions, which are the cause of destructive behavior.   Anell is well equipped to teach you the ABC of emotions. {I want to recognize the assistance of Dr Aldo Pucci, National Association of Cognitive Behavior Terapists, USA.}

Ask yourself: "Why do you abuse yourself with alcohol?", when you are abusing alcohol. Are there other destructive behavior which you are aware of and do not know how to change?

You will feel safe in the space of Anell-the-therapist with thirty years of hands-on experience in social work in various settings as well as her journey through life, her own life story.  Anell's  core believe and world view are that all human beings are created in the image of God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and that HE is full of Grace and Mercy for mankind. in his brokenness.

Contact Information
Phone: 0724877783

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