At the back of my business cards are the following words: “You can only care for others, if you care enough to take care of yourself.” In the helping professions, we often struggle with the Messiah complex and feel guilty that we are unable to help everybody. As we listen to the pain of the clients we counsel, we need to stay resilient in our self-care to set healthy boundaries. Learning how to map your inner emotional world, opens up new insights and choices. Emotional Logic taught me how to become emotionally unstuck and thrive again.
Are you tired of being an Emotional Seesaw?
The statement: “It is what it is” seems like acceptance of the challenges we face. Its rhythmic flow rolls easily off our tongues. It sounds comforting and peaceful. We can feel absolved of responsibility to change something because “it is what it is”.
When you repeat this saying often, it can become a mindset. It can stop expectations of improvement of the status quo. The danger of making this part of our daily vocabulary is voiding being response-able (able to respond). It could block you from repositioning yourself amidst the flood of change in society as we knew it. Can we take the next step to ask: “How can we make it better than it is now?” Can we find ways to thrive again? To become more than who we were, not in spite of, but because of trauma. To be transformed.
What can you do about your “it is what it is”? I cannot choose what life puts on my plate. I can choose how I respond to it. As Dr Zeus said: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” True acceptance is the balance-dance between sadness and gratitude.
Learn how to transform your “it is what it is” to true acceptance by attending my two-hour webinar called: “Are you tired of being on an emotional seesaw?”
(1.5 CPD points SACSSP; 2 points CPSC; 2 points ministers of religion)
Dates: Sat 21 / 28 May 10 - 12:30; Fri 10 June 13:30 - 16:00; Wed 22 June 13:30 - 16:00; Thurs 23 June 18.30-21.00;
4 July 13:30 - 16:00; 14 July 18:30 - 21:00; 21 July 18:30 - 21:00 (maximum 20 people per session).
This course is a pre-requisite for the Introduction training in Emotional Logic.
Introduction to Emotional Logic: Experiential learning
(12 CPD points SACSSP for 15 hours training; 9 points CPSC; 14 points ministers of religion)
Confucius said: "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."
What will you learn in this course?
You will learn to make some mind-shifts about emotions and its useful purposes. You will receive a manual with the tools of Emotional Logic and learn how to use it as a counselling tool. You might need to make peace with the idea that your clients might not come back after four sessions, because you equipped them to help themselves.
Gerard Eagan in his book “The Skilled helper”, outlined a therapeutic process that consists of three steps. I applied this to the Creative Conversation process of Emotional Logic.
- Exploration: Client do a card pattern to unpack his inner landscape.
- Insight: The skilled helper assists with active listening to name and list hidden losses.
- Action: Client choose one value to bargain back and formulate a SMART plan to achieve it.
Introduction Day Webinar - Friday 1 July 2022 08:30 – 16:30 (6 hrs)
(Next date: Friday 29 July)
Schedule an individual Zoom session of 90 minutes (after Introduction) with one of my team members for a personal learning appointment where we apply the method to a situation in your own life.
Tools Website - Friday 8 July 14:00 - 16:00
(Next date: Friday 29 July)
How to use the Emotional Logic tools website for remote counselling.
Identify emotional whirlpools: Friday 15 July 14.00 – 16.00
(Next date Fri 12 Aug))
Learn how to identify emotional whirlpools in card patterns and loss reaction worksheets.
Group supervision on a homework assignment: Friday 22 July 14:00 – 16:00
(Next date Fri 19 Aug)
Do a creative conversation with someone where you apply the three phases of EL. Email it to me with your observations of the session for supervision feedback.
15 hours of active training, integrating theory and practice.
Foundation Award: Become a Skilled Helper in Society
SACSSP application in process; CPSC 8 CPD points; Ministers of religion (DR Church) 30 points)
Friday 6, 13, 20 & 27 May and a group supervision for presenting case studies on 3rd June.
Five webinars of two hours each on Zoom, combined with self-study of four coursework books and the completion of an assignment on each. An assignment will take about three hours to complete and is done at your own pace after the webinars. Feedback is given by your tutor. This is followed by a two hour group supervision session on the application of the theory that you have learned. The Emotional Logic casework book written by Dr Trevor Griffiths and Dr Marian Langsford is included in the costs and can be downloaded on your laptop. Preparation for each webinar will be reading through the coursework twice and read three chapters in the Casework book (three hours of preparation weekly). Assignments need to be completed and marked by your tutor before your CPD certificate will be issued.
The aim of learning EL is to start healthy changes by:
- Teaching conversational skills at home and work that will reduce stress & improve emotional wellness by establishing hope.
- Prevent common mental illness by personal growth to create more confidence in relating to others and changing situations.
You will receive Coursebooks 1 – 4 electronically and have access to the online materials of the Emotional Logic Training College.
Coming Through Stronger: Explore how to turn emotional turmoil into the energy to grow with others. The following themes are covered:
- Making sense of your emotions during times of change, setback, hurt, or disappointment.
- Feeling safe with your emotions to energise your Growth Cycle.
- Feeling stuck in life, and getting unstuck to move on constructively.
- Moving conversations on from feelings and behaviour to naming values and agreeing on action plans.
- A two hour group supervision session on the application of the theory you have learned, presenting a case study.
Costs: R4000 (Staged payments over 3 months can be arranged).
After completion of this training leg, you can continue your learning curve to become qualified as an Emotional Logic Coach. See the website for more details.
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